10 Wrestling Stories That Blurred Reality

8. Maria Kanellis' Pregnancy (2019)

Maria Kanellis Raw

This is another modern-day WWE example.

In the summer of 2019, Maria Kanellis announced mid-match that she was pregnant. The audience sort of/almost/kinda' gasped, with some likely believing that Maria was ribbing so that Becky Lynch wouldn't remodel her face. In reality, Kanellis was actually carrying child.

Her very real pregnancy started the ball rolling on a topsy-turvy angle in which she shamed husband Mike for being a worthless d*ck (almost literally; Maria also teased Mikey boy that he might not be the father of her baby after all, because he "couldn't get the job done at home") and acted like an insufferable gal who believed the world revolved around her.

WWE mixed in some cuckold fun for good measure by having Mike willingly agree to anything that'd make Maria stop berating him if it kept the peace. It was every bit as weird as it sounds, and outright failed to get Mike over at all.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.