10 Wrestling Storylines That Killed A Character

5. Pepper The Dog - Death By Consumption

Al Wilson funeral wwe
I'm not saying WWE actually killed a dog. But they did show us an actual dog on TV and so Pepper existed. So, officially, within the context of the storyline, Pepper was killed. Okay?

Al Snows dog was initially kidnapped by the Big Boss Man during their feud in 1999. When Al went to rescue him, Boss Man assured him that there was no hard feelings, and even served him a home cooked meal. Wouldn't you know, the meal turned out to be Pepper! I wonder what the WWF (the Panda one) would have made of that.

This was a low point for WWE. Aside from implying and poking fun at animal cruelty, it also led to the Kennel From Hell match at Unforgiven, which is generally regarded as one of the worst matches of all-time.

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Al Wilson
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As a wrestling fan I've flown across the Atlantic for the last five years specifically to attend WrestleMania (28 and 30) as well as TNA, ROH, Evolve, Chikara and most recently PWG. I may have a problem! But if you're reading my work then you probably love wrestling too, so lets focus on that!