10 Wrestling Talents That Were Immediately Buried By WWE

2. Zack Ryder

Vince McMahon keeps telling talent that it€™s up to them to get themselves over and they need to reach for that brass ring. With no creative behind him, Zack Ryder took matters into his own hands in 2011 and started a Youtube show called Z! True Long Island Story. Through word of mouth, and a few helpful retweets from top talent John Cena and CM Punk, Ryder managed to get himself over, to the point where the top management had to take notice, and by the end of 2011, Ryder was the United States Champion. Then, for no apparent reason at all, Ryder€™s push had its legs cut from under it, and Ryder kept getting beaten up by Kane, and quickly lost the U.S. Title to Jack Swagger. It€™s been three years, and Ryder hasn€™t even had a real storyline. It€™s only a matter of time before another round of cuts happen and Ryder doesn€™t survive them, which is ridiculous because Zack already proved that he has the talent and charisma to be a top star in the WWE. And the only reason that he stopped getting pushed was because Ryder took it upon himself to get over with the fans, and isn€™t that what Vince wanted in the first place?
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.