10 Wrestling Talents That Were Immediately Buried By WWE

5. 2 Cold Scorpio

Another ECW star that didn€™t get a fair shake in the WWF was 2 Cold Scorpio. Rather than coming in as the recognizable name, Vince McMahon repackaged him as Flash Funk. Funk wore a neon bodysuit and came to the ring in a pimp hat and fur coat, dancing with two fly girls (think of a much skinnier Brodus Clay). Funk still showcased some of the aerial ability that 2 Cold was known for in ECW, but his win-loss record didn€™t reflect his talent. Flash was pretty much an enhancement talent for other superstars in 1997 and 1998. In mid 1998, Funk shed the gimmick and was once again 2 Cold Scorpio in the WWF, but only as a part of the Job Squad with Al Snow, and his win-loss record wasn€™t much better.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.