10 Wrestling Title Changes You Never Knew About

5. Marcus Bagwell & 2 Cold Scorpio - Sole WCW Tag Team Champions

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa7nHegv8LY The Title Change: Up€“and-coming tag team, Marcus Bagwell and 2 Cold Scorpio, were set to challenge WCW Tag Team Champions, the Nasty Boys at Halloween Havoc €™93. Both Bagwell and Scorpio were exciting new stars with WCW and would each go on to long, productive careers in the wrestling business. At this point, they were teaming with each other after brief singles runs with the company and were a high flying tandem that seemed to be the WCW version of the Rockers. Oddly, these two teams met in a title match the night before (in reality the match was on tape delay from a few weeks earlier which was standard practice for WCW at that time) their pay-per-view encounter on WCW€™s pre-Nitro flagship program, WCW Saturday Night. After an interesting twelve minute match, Bagwell and Scorpio pulled the upset on the Nastys and would leave the show as the new tag team champions. The Aftermath: You probably saw where this one was headed from the beginning, right? Scorpio and Bagwell would now enter their Halloween Havoc clash with the Nasty Boys as the reigning champions but go home without the belts. The Nastys took back their titles in classic rule breaking fashion (with Sags hitting Scorpio with his shoe€yup, you read that correct) and the one day title reign for Bagwell and Scorpio was the only run they would ever have with the belts. Amazingly, Bagwell would actually end up having five more WCW Tag Team Title reigns with four additional partners outside of his first pairing with Scorpio. Yet, that first one was clearly a forgotten moment in time.

J.D. White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.