10 WWE & AEW Gimmicks That Belong In A Different Era

6. Abadon

Carmella WWE

With makeup skills that put most high-budget Hollywood movies to shame, Abadon certainly has a unique look and gimmick. Although it's unclear whether she is a zombie or a zombie aficionado, there is no doubt that Abadon certainly turned heads when she made her AEW debut in March 2020.

Whilst still pretty rough around the edges when it comes to her ring skills, on sheer looks and gimmick alone, Abadon is a talking point whenever she is on screen. Sadly, in 2021, when spooky, supernatural gimmicks seem to be met more with scorn than revere, it isn't always positive. Her "feud" with Hikaru Shida, which consisted of scary, bitey nonsense, fell very flat.

This gimmick, however, would have gone down a storm during the Attitude Era, where nonsense like this was lapped up by roaring crowds. Her in-ring ability wouldn't have been so noticeable either, during a time when women's wrestling wasn't anywhere near as respected as it is today.

Whether it had been WWE, WCW or ECW, she would have undoubtedly found great success and multiple title reigns. Whereas in 2021, it feels like she has already hit her ceiling if she persists with the gimmick.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!