10 WWE & AEW Wrestlers Set For A Big 2023

8. Powerhouse Hobbs

Jamie Hayter

It's a shame that AEW is having such a sloppy year, as in Powerhouse Hobbs they have potentially the most devastating hoss in the business. Sure, Wardlow is phenomenal and is a big sexy bastard at the same time, but man, there is just something about Hobbs, isn't there?

Even when he was loitering in the background of Team Taz promos looking resplendent in dungarees and a fur coat, the man oozed star appeal. His and Ricky Starks' act caught on big and the heat when he turned on 'Absolute' was molten. Sadly, Khan lacked the conviction to let it dominate the show and it's felt like an anticlimax.

Expect big things for this big man in 2023.

Nobody has been allowed to use the middle entrance in AEW bar Cody Rhodes, so Hobbs inheriting it is a big deal. Combined with his new entrance theme, it presents the man as a major star and that's not done by accident.

The time will come next year, where Wardlow will look across the ring from Hobbs and know that his TNT Title run is coming to an end, as the prospect of the two homegrown behemoths colliding should be too hard to turn down.

The former Team Taz man might just have the lowkey best 2023 of everyone on this list.

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Jamie Hayter
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!