10 WWE & AEW Wrestlers Set For A Big 2023

7. Swerve Strickland

Jamie Hayter

Many people were surprised when Swerve Strickland was released by WWE in November 2021. Not only because he is a phenomenal gifted and charismatic wrestler, but also, he and his group, Hit Row, had only been called up to the main roster a month prior.

It was a baffling decision then, and considering his ascent in All Elite Wrestling since he joined in March 2022, an even more baffling one now.

The former 'Isiah Scott' was immediately thrust into a tag team with Keith Lee that felt a little lazy at first - a symptom of signing quality talent without a plan in place - but the duo have made it work. What seemed like a vehicle to generate a feud between the two actually led to a decent AEW Tag Title reign (and one of the worst tag team names in recent memory), but even more importantly, the rise of Swerve's heel persona.

The man oozes cool. He walks with such a swagger and his in-ring game is pretty unique. This helps connect with the fanbase, but over the past few months, during their feud with the Acclaimed, Strickland has shown what a dastardly heel he can be.

A mandatory split and feud with Keith Lee should be incoming soon, one which should see Strickland walk out the victor and then, he should have a prosperous year ahead. AEW are on the verge of having a megastar on their hands.

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Jamie Hayter
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!