10 WWE & AEW Wrestlers Set For A Big 2023

6. Riddle

Jamie Hayter

You could make a really solid argument that Riddle has had a big 2022.

The alliance and subsequent friendship with Randy Orton proved so popular that the much anticipated split and WrestleMania match was abandoned and RK-Bro won the tag titles at the 'stupendous' event instead. The fans lapped up their partnership, it brought Riddle up to Orton's level and established the 'Viper' as the best hot tag in wrestling.

Orton's unfortunate, and rather worrying, injury was a blessing in disguise for Riddle. The 'Ultimate Bro' entered into a war with the Bloodline, and once again, rose to the occasion. His Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match with Roman Reigns should be in discussion for television match of the year and Riddle proved he was a main event level talent.

The subsequent feud with Seth Rollins doubled down on that, and going into back-to-back rivalries with the former Shield men tells you how highly Riddle is positioned within WWE.

Next year, Roman Reigns will relinquish his stranglehold over the two belts (we'll get to that), which means there will be two World Titles to compete for. Expect the former WWE United States Champion to be in and around the title scene for most of the year, and possibly even claim his first one.

Excitingly, we also have either the reunion of, or the heartbreaking fracturing of RK-Bro to look forward to as well.

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Jamie Hayter
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!