10 WWE & AEW Wrestlers Set For A Big 2023


Jamie Hayter

There was uproar when WWE needlessly changed WALTER's name to GUNTHER, but it hasn't impacted the man one iota. In fact, it looks like it has inspired him.

Give the guy some credit, he has gone through an incredible transformation and his new physique, whilst not as colossal as he was before, makes him look like an absolute machine. Never has a wrestler looked more like a Terminator.

The Austrian hasn't missed a step on the main roster since arriving in April this year, and the sleeker, quicker 'Ring General' has looked like a million bucks. Within three months, he was WWE Intercontinental Champion, and has since added yet another five-star match to his catalogue.

WWE are all in on GUNTHER. More importantly, so is Triple H.

As mentioned previously, 2023 should see both World Titles freed from the vicelike grip of Roman Reigns, and there is no reason why GUNTHER can't end up with one of them. The fans might boo the act, but you're hard pressed to find many wrestling fans who don't adore the current Intercontinental Champion as a wrestler.

The Imperium Act works. GUNTHER oozes credibility and that combination should make him a seriously terrifying prospect for the whole WWE roster in 2023.

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Jamie Hayter
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!