10 WWE Angles Ripped Straight From The Movies

7. May 19th (See No Evil)

Kane See No Evil

WWE couldn't resist some more movie cross-promotion in 2006 before Kane's See No Evil horror movie launched on 19 May that year. To prep and hopefully build some anticipation for the slasher, the company booked Kane to start acting weird (yes, even weirder than usual).

Big Show's tag partner started hearing voices in his head.

Rather than seeking out Randy Orton for advice, the 'Big Red Machine' freaked out whenever his character's voice from the movie rang out over arena PA systems or anyone dared to mention the film's release date. That, of course, led to countless "May 19th" repetitions - WWE had a movie to pimp out, damn it.

The angle ended when Luke Gallows debuted in the worst Halloween costume ever as an old-school, masked version of Kane and fought the unmasked real deal at Vengeance. Handily, See No Evil was already out by that point and Kane quickly vanquished his doppelgänger before taking time off to promote his movie.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.