10 WWE Employees Humiliated On The Air

8. Chris Masters

Chris Masters D-Generation X Triple H Shawn Michaels
WWE Network

That same year, Shawn's DX buddy Triple H indulged in some laughs himself.

During one of the most contrived backstage skits you're ever likely to see, Chris Masters congratulated Eric Bischoff on his new 'Controversy Creates Cash' book on the 2 October 2006 Raw. Invading, the D-Generation X lads plugged the thing in OTT fashion (that was their thing during this era) and then Bisch excused himself.

As soon as 'Easy E' was gone, Trips turned to Masters and started giving him a hard time. He asked when Chris was doing to write a book, and blasted him by saying, "What you gonna' call it? How to lose 50lbs in four weeks?" when Masters revealed he might pen one about nutrition.

This was a cruel allusion to Masters' shrinking frame post-Wellness Policy violation. The upstart heel had visibly lost muscle mass, and top brass wanted to rib him about it. Rather than standing up for himself, Chris threw his hands up and retreated.

That'll show 'em.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.