10 WWE Entrance Themes That Were Originally For Someone Else

2. Hulk Hogan's 'Real American' (The U.S Express)

If there's one song that screams 'WWF glory years', it's Rick Derringer's 'Real American'. Complete with a grandiose wail and trademark chorus that virtually every wrestling fan can recant, the song is so closely affiliated with Hulk Hogan that Derringer's name seems almost unimportant to some.

It may surprise many then to learn that Derringer didn't pen the track for Vince McMahon's vision of what 'Hulkamania' could be during the mid-1980's. Instead, the musician provided 'Real American' for The U.S Express tag-team of Mike Rotundo and Barry Windham in 1984.

Originally, the Express used Bruce Springsteen's 'Born In The U.S.A' as their music, only to replace that with Derringer's classic. It's totally bizarre to watch footage of anyone other than Hogan coming out to the song, but it wasn't until after The U.S Express left the WWF in 1986 that anyone thought of shifting the tune to Hulk.

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Hulk Hogan
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.