10 WWE Entrance Themes That Were Originally For Someone Else

10. Brodus Clay's 'Somebody Call My Momma' (Ernest Miller)

Looking like a cross between Barney The Dinosaur and The Godfather, the bubbly feel of Brodus Clay circa 2014 was supposed to turn him into WWE's new babyface sensation. The big man even squashed poor Drew McIntyre flat in just over one minute at the 2012 Royal Rumble to hammer home his push.

During the early months of this new character, fans could hear the repeated sounds of 'Somebody Call My Momma' over and over again as Clay gyrated his way to the ring with his 'Funkadactyls'. Fans of old 'C' show Velocity from almost a decade earlier may have recognised the song.

That's right, it was used for Velocity announcer and occasional wrestler Ernest 'The Cat' Miller.

WWE didn't draw attention to this when Brodus awkwardly danced his way onto screens in 2012 though, and instead presented the tune as though it had been written exclusively for Clay's new gimmick. Those Velocity viewers and fans with an encyclopaedic knowledge of old SmackDown episodes knew differently, because this was ex-WCW star The Cat's jam first.

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