10 WWE Entrance Themes That Were Originally For Someone Else

5. Cesaro's 'Miracle' (Dean Malenko)

No Cesaro entrance on WWE television feels complete without the announcers harping on about how smartly the Swiss star dresses; coming across like the promotion's own (European version of) James Bond, the sharp suits and lighting used during Cesaro's entrance routine are oddly a long time in the making.

Cesaro simply fit the mould for this character, but WWE have tried a James Bond feel with someone else before.

Back in mid-2000, the 'Ice Man' Dean Malenko was rethought as a ladies man character who was supposed to make people think of '007'. To reflect this, Dean was handed new music that encapsulated the grand, debonair vibe management wanted.

Come 2012, WWE's production team added some French and German rap to the music and attached it to Cesaro. The theme was renamed 'Miracle', kept the same James Bond style, and was supposed to draw attention to the Swiss wrestler's ability to speak multiple languages.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.