10 WWE Finishers That Don't Make Sense
4. Neutralizer

Cesaro's finisher suffers from a similar problem to that of Buddy Murphy's, in that it takes too bloody long to pull off - but that's just the start.
Arguing that the Swiss Superman should be in a better position than what he already is, has become almost a parody of itself at this point.
You know by now how supremely gifted he is in the ring and how much he has improved in both character and mic work, yet still you can bet your ass that Cesaro won't be hoisting that elusive world title over his head come WrestleMania season.
With so many elements of his game being up to standard, the only explanation for his lack of singles spotlight or serious crowd investment has to be his - aptly named - Neutralizer.
You can't hide from it, the move is just...well...boring.
It takes an age to set up, looks cool for about two seconds and then Cesaro literally falls onto his opponent.
For a guy that can bounce off the ropes and lift men twice his size with ease, seeing him drop a dude from a few inches off the ground - after clicking his neck into place and hanging them upside down - is a little anticlimactic.
At this point, it may be a tad late in the day for Cesaro to change up his move-set, but even his Cesaro Swing into a Sharpshooter was more efficient and over than this crowd-neutralizer.