10 WWE Gimmicks I Loved (That Everybody Else Hated)

3. R-Truth As A Heel

wikipediawikipediaThe heel turn of R-Truth came out of nowhere in 2011. It happened after WrestleMania 27 that year. When thinking about the turn, it was hard to know if he'd be successful at it since he was a babyface for so long in WWE. They just had him snap on John Morrison on the loss. Then he drank some water during a match. He even started smoking. It was just so random, but it was such a fresh side of him. Where WWE took a misstep with him was when they had him challenge John Cena for the WWE Title in the main event of Capitol Punishment. It was too soon. They needed some heels for Cena to beat, but it was too soon in his turn for fans to really buy into him as a credible heel. Later in the year, he was in a featured role again along with Miz and that story actually worked well. Then Truth got suspended due to a Wellness Policy violation, so when he came back he was a face. That was a mistake. He's the perfect example of a guy that has been boring as a face for so long, yet he's still in that same role even though he did a much better job as a heel. Maybe WWE feels like they need him as a veteran face to put over the younger heels, but they're wasting his talent by keeping him as the "what's up" guy that rarely does anything of significance anymore. Plus, the whole "Little Jimmy" thing was much more entertaining when he was a crazy heel doing instead of a babyface that was marketable to kids.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.