10 WWE Horrors That Took Years Off Your Life

6. Braun Strowman Is Bullied By Shane McMahon

Braun Strowman WWE Why

"Which way did he go?".

Shane McMahon's 2000 feud vs. Big Show came to mind when WWE pressed the repeat button and had Shane-O war with big Braun Strowman in 2020/2021. This pitiful rivalry included such banner moments as McMahon dousing Braun in green goo and alleging that he was bullied at school because he couldn't do his sums.

Strowman didn't refute this. Instead, he acknowledged that he had to grow up big and strong 'cause of that bully boy behaviour from others. This flew in the face of everything WWE had told us about Braun from day one. He was an intimidating monster, not a scared little boy who wore the "Dunce" cap. What were they thinking?

The feud culminated in a so-so cage match at WrestleMania 37. It was fine enough, but never felt like suitable revenge for Strowman after months of needling from Shane. In short, the entire program was a waste of everyone's time, and was a crummy bid to humanise Braun into the bargain.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.