10 WWE Matches John Cena Should Have Lost

8. Vs. Chris Jericho (Survivor Series 2008)

john cena punk

First off, what did Cena do to earn this title match? He was out for three months with an injury, and certainly didn’t wrestle his way into the title picture. Was it just because Survivor Series was in Boston that year? Was it because Cena was debuting a new t-shirt? Whatever the reason, it still didn’t feel justified that Cena should’ve been Chris Jericho’s challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship

Further still, it didn’t make sense that the top heel on the card should lose the title so easily to a man with three months of ring rust. Jericho was fresh off his stellar feud with Shawn Michaels, and had just beaten Batista to regain his World Title. He was the best on the mic, putting on fantastic matches, and had a reputation for being devious. Surely, the Best in the World at What He Does could’ve found some way to weasel his way out of the match with title intact, and keep Cena chasing the gold for another month so he could really earn it at Armageddon?

Alas, this was not the case. Cena won clean with a surgically repaired neck in his first match back. Jericho looked out of his league and was sent back down the card to wrestle with a bunch of old-timers and get knocked out by Mickey Rourke, and the WWE went back to business as usual.

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Residing in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Josh Butcher began watching wrestling in the most Canadian way possible: While looking for something to fill the void of the 2004-2005 NHL Lockout. Ever since, he has been a diligent fan of professional wrestling, even training to become a wrestler.