10 WWE Moves That NEVER Win Matches

6. Sit Out Powerbomb (Roman Reigns)

Roman Reigns Sit Out Powerbomb

Sethy boy should have a quiet word with his old Shield pal about this issue too.

Roman Reigns has hit a sitting powerbomb variation for years without success. In fairness, the near fall does get a better pop than some others because it does look impactful, and Reigns does a bang up job of selling frustration with underrated facial expressions that tell how close things were to being finished.

The problem is that it's getting increasingly difficult to buy that Roman will ever win with one of these sudden drops. Fans are too busy waiting for him to shout, "Oooooo-waaaaaah", line up for his 'Superman Punch' or go for a trusty spear instead. Those are established match winners; the bomb, meanwhile is not. Everyone knows it.

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