10 WWE New Generation Era Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

2. Xanta Claus

Black Phantom Gangrel WWE

"Oh, I wish it could be Christmas every day". That Wizzard classic is wheeled out when things get snowy every single year, but it has another meaning in this entry. Future ECW star Balls Mahoney probably did wish it was Christmas every day, because then his Xanta Claus character would've stuck around longer than it did.

Xanta was Ted DiBiase’s evil version of Santa. The whole thing was naturally shortlived because, well…the gimmick didn’t really mean much when the festive season was over. Besides, who found Xanta's inverted black and red outfit menacing/scary in the first place? Dude looked like someone's dad ordered his Santa costume from Wish.

This bottom of the barrel nonsense did appear on pay-per-view at In Your House 5, but Xanta wasn't long for the WWF after that skit with Savio Vega. In retrospect, the company should've had Xanta gift Savio his old Kwang costume for a giggle.

Actually, a prankster who made fun of old, crappy gimmicks could've been fun.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.