10 WWE Nightmares That Could Come True In 2024

8. Creative’s Interest In LA Knight Cools

CM Punk Seth Rollins WWE

If anyone thinks WWE's writers will fawn over LA Knight forever, then they need a reality check. This is a dude who went from playing heel manager for an undercard faction of models to striking hot as a breakout babyface, so nothing is guaranteed. Knight only has a finite period of time to ride the crest of that wave.

The fab merch returns and 'flavour of the month' reactions from creative will continue so long as booming crowd reactions remain. Or, will they? WWE previously ignored similar fanfare for Zack Ryder, and nobody needs to tell Bryan Danielson what it's like to be overlooked despite fan excitement.

Granted, that was under Vinnie Mac's watch. Triple H might be more inclined to keep pushing LA as fast and hard as he can throughout 2024. That'd be the dream outcome. The nightmare is somewhat different: Knight tumbling down the cards, WWE panicking to turn him heel, and then all that magic lost.

Yeah? More like NO!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.