10 WWE Nightmares Vince McMahon MUST Regret Booking

7. Batista’s Comeback Royal Rumble Win

Vince McMahon CM Punk

WWE would like everyone to believe that you run the show. Don't like a certain wrestler? Then they can kiss their chances goodbye. Fancy seeing someone main event? It'll happen if you cheer loudly, people! Or, you'll be forced to troll the company until they actually listen to booming live crowds.

Case in point: Daniel Bryan.

He was everyone's darling back in 2014 (he still is), but Vinnie Mac fancied bringing Batista back and having him win the Royal Rumble instead. Cool, but his audience made it clear immediately they didn't want to see it. Regardless, McMahon ploughed ahead with his plans anyway, and a miffed-looking big Dave wondered what the f*ck was going on when everyone booed him.

Batista still got a main event payday for WrestleMania XXX, but the response to his Rumble win was brutal, and booking him to win the 30-man match was a clear mistake. This was pigheaded WWE ignorance at its absolute worst.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.