10 WWE Nightmares Vince McMahon MUST Regret Booking

6. ‘King’ Mabel

Vince McMahon CM Punk
WWE Network

Admit it, you knew this would pop up.

Yours truly once heard someone passionately defending Mabel's monster push by pointing out that Vince was only trying to create new stars during an era that didn't have many. It put a unique spin on the 1995 disaster, but wasn't enough to sway. No, no having Mabel win the '95 King Of The Ring was crap and that's that.

Attempting to fashion fresh stars is one thing, but quality matters. Mabel might've been physically huge and impressive-looking, but he was far too clumsy and uncoordinated to handle regular main events. That's why his KOTR win and subsequent SummerSlam push is roundly regarded one of the worst of all time.

McMahon must've regretted it almost immediately. 'King' Mabel put on some epically bad performances, then almost injured WWF Champ and top babyface Diesel come title shot time. The whole episode was a vicious reminder that talent needs to meet marketing might halfway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.