10 WWE NXT Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

8. Jake Carter

Memo Montenegro WWE NXT

For reference, Jake Carter is Vader's son. His real name is Jessie White, but WWE needed to go the name generator route (there's plenty more of that to come in this article!) and trademark their own. Thus, Carter was born. He'd become an early tag-team partner for current SmackDown commentator Corey Graves in FCW.

Jake came along for the ride when FCW changed to NXT in 2012, but he'd be gone by late-2013. WWE bosses at the Performance Center and higher ups couldn't have figured "@itsjake" was going to make the leap to Raw or SmackDown in the future. They'd have kept him around a while longer if they thought he had potential.

Oh well.

Carter's final moment on NXT came with a loss to Tensai. There's something weirdly full circle about that - Tensai, or Matt Bloom, was one of the trainers at the PC who would've coached Jake. Now, during Carter's last night, it was Bloom who sent him packing.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.