10 WWE NXT Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

6. Oliver Grey

Memo Montenegro WWE NXT

Quick! Name the first set of champions in NXT! Seth Rollins was the first top male champ in 2012. Paige followed suit by winning the NXT Women's Title in June 2013. Six months earlier, two Brits were celebrating with Dusty Rhodes as they became the brand's first ever Tag-Team Champions.

They were current AEW man PAC, who was called Adrian Neville, and UK indy star Joel Redman. He was called Oliver Grey in WWE's system, and that win alongside Neville was his finest hour in the industry. Mere months later, Grey suffered a nasty injury and had to be replaced in title matches by Bo Dallas.

His WWE career would never recover.

Oliver returned to TV one year later in April 2014, but NXT's creative types had lost interest in him. Grey was subsequently released later that same month. Today, he's the answer to a WWE trivia question more than someone fans fondly remember as a key component in NXT taking brave baby steps.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.