10 WWE Payback 2020 Impulse Reactions
4. Keith Lee Vs. Randy Orton
Keith Lee needed this to bang. He needed Randy Orton to be the wrestler all the other wrestlers adore, versus the one a sizeable portion of the fanbase can't cope with watching anymore.
Despite promoting it at SummerSlam to get all of his loyalest supporters hyped ahead of time, the company well and truly Viking Experienced the former NXT Champion thanks to a new entrance theme and look when he arrived. He needed more than an Orton chinlock to rapidly rush past an auspicious start.
And he just about got it.
In match defined more by the result than action sustained within it, Lee scored a major clean win in just 6:40 with the Spirit Bomb, having earlier pounced Orton out of the ring and nearly the entire ThunderDome in a spot that announced him even more so as somebody not to be f*cked with.
There was almost alarmingly pleasing efficiency to this. Away from justifiable complaints about the altering of his look and and presentation before the bell, everything that happened between the ropes was star-making stuff as Lee begins what'll either be a rocky or hugely rewarding journey.