10 WWE PPV Matches That Prove Vince McMahon Lost It

2. Damian Priest vs. The Miz (WrestleMania Backlash 2021)

Shane McMahon Roman Reigns WWE

Scotty Too Hotty playing a zombie was literally the only highlight from this mess.

Triple H booked Damian Priest as an impressive leader before things went south for Judgment Day. Priest even rode momentum all the way to a MITB cash-in and World Heavyweight Title reign. Meanwhile, a few years earlier, Vince was putting him in "Zombie Lumberjack Matches" vs. The Miz on PLE. Booker. Of. The. Year.

Again, there's a touch of sadness to all of this. There was a time when McMahon's creativity knew no bounds; he could make even the silliest stuff work on occasion, but scripting fake zombies to act as lumberjacks was rubbish. Sure, it was a movie tie-in that raked in the cash, but that came at the cost of making full-time workers look stupid.

Miz was even devoured by the undead, then returned on TV a few weeks later with barely a scratch. It was mortifying to think that WWE hyped this up as must-see. Who knows how Damian and Miz managed to keep a straight face throughout?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.