10 WWE PPVs Fans Thought Would Totally Suck (But Didn’t)

7. In Your House: Final Four

Final Four Ppv

If you're going to book a one-match card, make it a doozy.

That must've been the thinking going into February 1997's pay-per-view slow. In Your House: Final Four (the 13th of the IYH series) was coming hot on the heels of a huge Royal Rumble, but didn't have new champ Shawn Michaels on the card. He'd "lost his smile" shortly before on TV, and that'd surely hurt the build towards WrestleMania 13.

Amazingly, it didn't, and that's because Bret Hart, Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Vader kicked the living crap out of one another in a blistering elimination headliner. There's blood, a hot crowd and enough drama in one match to make Final Four one of '97's best shows.

Provided you have the patience, Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon vs. Owen Hart and The British Bulldog also turns into a nifty tag match too, and it's a giggle seeing Triple H and The Rock tussle earlier in their careers. Check it out.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.