10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Nov 8)

8. Five Changes To Raw

From @hotpants1980: If you were given full control of Raw, what 5 things would you do first to improve the show?
This is the kind of topic that could make for a longer feature that I could do one day, but I'll still answer it here without going into too much detail. Five things would go like this: 1) Make it a two hour show. WWE gets a lot of money from USA Network to produce three hours of TV, which is nice for the company, but it has hurt the quality of the show. A two hour edition of Raw would be better. Asking people to watch for three hours is too much. 2) Replace Jerry Lawler on commentary with William Regal. A three man announce team is fine. However, Lawler is clearly way past his prime and shouldn't be on weekly TV anymore. Michael Cole and John Bradshaw Layfield are fine in their role. As much as I love Jim Ross, he's not a WWE employee anymore. It's okay to move on. Regal joining them would help a lot. 3) Put less of a focus on authority figures. We really don't care who is in charge of the show whether it's Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Kane, Brad Maddox, Vickie Guerrero, Teddy Long, John Laurinaitis or whoever it is. They put too much focus on the matchmakers instead of the people in the matches. Use the time to develop midcarders, not feed the ego of the people booking the show. 4) More title matches and big matches in general. We want to see titles defended by fighting champions that win matches to make the titles look valuable. We also want bigger matches that are not just repeats of things that were on Smackdown the week before. They repeat stuff too often. Be unique, please. 5) Better storyline continuity. By that I mean do a better job of telling stories to set up matches on television or PPV. How many times can we see a champion lose a non-title match? Enough already. Do something else to build up contenders. It wouldn't hurt to promote matches a full week ahead too.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.