10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Dec 14)

3. NXT As Its Own Brand Or A Feeder System

From @Freaksteil: Do you think WWE should keep mining NXT for talent or slowly turn it into its own brand similar to old Raw/Smackdown split?
The term "feeder system" is something I like to use for NXT because it's a way to say that WWE can use NXT to feed talent to Raw/Smackdown. It's not like WWE is going to sign some free agent, then have them start on Raw the next week. We know NXT is used as the developmental system. That's how it is even for proven vets like Owens, Balor, Itami and whoever else they want to bring in. The way they're doing things now is the way it should be. In many ways, NXT is developing into its own brand and it has all year. All four NXT special events this year were great. By doing that, WWE has made fans think about those specials so that when we get the next one in three months we're going to expect greatness just like the last one. Triple H said during the week that he wants NXT to be able to go tour in different cities instead of just Florida. It's going to take time, though. Maybe it will happen next summer or even later in 2015. It can be a brand, but at the same time they are not going to keep people on NXT for three or four years. They might be there for two years or so before they get moved up to the next level and that's fair.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.