10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (June 7)

9. Kevin Owens Feuding With John Cena And If He Can Win The Feud?

From @SteveMurray: Will Kevin Owens be the first NXT guy to break the Cena Curse or will he fall to the win, lose, lose formula of most Cena feuds?
That's a tough one to answer, but it's a very good question. The reference to that formula is with regards to Bray Wyatt last year and Rusev this year. In Wyatt's case it was Cena win, Wyatt win and then Cena win to end the feud. With Rusev, Cena lost the first match and then Cena beat him in three straight PPV matches. Owens got the first win over Cena at Elimination Chamber and they're doing match two at Money in the Bank. It's hard to believe that WWE would want to have Owens win again just because this is Cena we're talking about. We are so used to seeing him win feuds that if Owens won clean it would be so unique. This feels like a feud that is going to continue through to SummerSlam, so they could do it where Owens gets the win and then Cena keeps pushing for one more match at SummerSlam or they split the first two matches leading to another one. There's also the Battleground event to think about too, so they would have to have something there as well. Getting back to the question, I think Owens can win this feud. I'm just not sure it will actually happen. When it comes to Cena, it really is something we have to see to believe it because of how rare it is for him to lose a feud.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.