10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (Sept 24)

8. Wrestling Vs. Sports Entertainment

Asked by @JulianMbat:@WhatCultureWWE Will the company try to make the product about wrestling instead of "sports entertainment" to get a better TV audience?
Once more, it appears that this will be a change brought about once Triple H has full control of the company. You only have to look at the way NXT has been booked as they have moved up through the gears over the last year or so. There's little doubting that there is room for non-wrestling segments in a wrestling show - to serve as a breather in between highly charged matches more than anything - but WWE has been guilty of overusing this tactic in recent times, especially since the move to more PG-centric programming. At the end of the day, wrestling fans tune into a wrestling show to watch wrestling, not to see horrible actors try to act or unfunny people try to be comedians. Absolutely no one benefits from those horrible segments - which, have played a reduced role on RAW recently in all fairness.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.