10 WWE Releases That Made Absolutely No Sense

7. Matt Hardy

Aop Confused

2005 was a very eventful year for current AEW star Matt Hardy.

Upon discovering that his girlfriend Lita had been having a secret affair with one of his colleagues and close friends Edge, an injured Hardy took to his blog to reveal the previously unknown situation to the world. WWE then decided this was classed as unprofessional conduct as it directly affected how both Edge and Lita were perceived by the fans, and chose to show Hardy the door soon after.

Before long, Edge and Lita were being blasted with 'You Screwed Matt!' and 'We Want Matt!' chants in response to Hardy's departure whenever they appeared in front of a live crowd. So, sensing the chance to profit from this real life love triangle, WWE incredibly re-signed Hardy a few months after his sudden exit and booked the trio in a programme together.

Performing a U-turn on Hardy's release, so soon after claiming that he'd been unprofessional in his response to the situation, made the original decision to part ways with him seem utterly pointless.

But, WWE didn't care. The genuine heat and animosity aimed at Edge and Lita during this period helped catapult the pair into the main event scene and Hardy was eventually moved over to SmackDown after losing the feud.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...