10 WWE Returns Fans Don’t Want (But Secretly Do)

1. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho WWE AEW

Chris Jericho has some serious 'go away'/X-Pac heat on him in AEW. Fans are sick to death of the dude, and this 'Learning Tree' gimmick hasn't changed anything in that respect. It's easy for somebody to sit and say from the outside looking in, but Jericho could probs use a holiday from weekly TV. Stop furiously nodding. Ahem.

It's true, eh?

Jericho has always claimed he wouldn't go back to earlier chapters of his career, but there's money in a retro reprise as 'Y2J'. The entire wrestling world would become kids/teenagers yet again if the old countdown clock started up and a thumping refrain of, "BREAK THE WALLS DOOOOOOOOWN!" roared out of the speakers.

You best believe Jericho would get some hearty "welcome back" chants if he showed up unexpectedly in WWE as his old self. Portions of his AEW run have been excellent, but Chris is a veteran who needs a change of scenery. If anything, he needs some nostalgic goodness to help endear him to people all over again.

"Welcome to Raw Is Jericho" would bring the house down.

What other WWE comebacks do you think fans secretly want? For more like this, check out 10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever and 10 Forgotten Finishers Wrestlers Suddenly ABANDONED


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.