10 WWE Returns Fans Don’t Want (But Secretly Do)

7. Edge & Christian

Chris Jericho WWE AEW

It'd be traumatising to AEW's staunchest hardcore fans, but losing Adam Copeland and Christian Cage from the All Elite roster would serve nostalgia. If both left Tony Khan's side, then they'd almost definitely return to WWE under their old ring names and work a popular retro tag-team run. That sounds delicious.

The reunion, if it happens, would mean more in WWE than AEW.

Seeing Edge and Christian bring back old favourites like the 5-second poses "for the benefit of those with flash photography" would be a hoot. Think of the matches they could have too. Bouts vs. The Bloodline 2.0 and DIY would be ace, and they'd even be able to squeeze some comedy fun out of Pretty Deadly.

Granted, losing Christian's 'Patriarchy' stuff on AEW's side would suck, and Copeland defo has more ground to explore, but...Edge and Christian is a reunion countless fans have wanted to see since Adam started wrestling again in 2020.

Sacrificing their AEW runs for one last nostalgic run is acceptable.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.