10 WWE Returns Nobody Saw Coming

4. Edge (Royal Rumble 2020)

Edge Royal Rumble

Was Edge's Royal Rumble 2020 comeback the best ever?

There's an argument for it, certainly. When Alter Bridge's classic 'Metalingus' track blared out into the night air in Houston, the rush was immense. Sure, there had been conjecture about a possible return from retirement for the 'Rated-R Superstar' beforehand, but those reports were always met with doubts.

How could he? The man had retired in 2011 with a serious neck injury that doctors said was untreatable. The mere thought that Edge would launch back into fan consciousness as anything more than a WWE Network host-come-cameo attraction seemed impossible, but it happened. What a moment it was.

Edge was teary-eyed as he breathed heavy before even lifting a finger in-ring, and fans all over the world sat in stunned amazement as the Canadian prepared to wrestle his first match in nine years. Literally everyone watching felt that lump of emotion in their throats, and it was awesome.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.