10 WWE Returns Nobody Saw Coming

3. Ric Flair (19 November 2001 - Raw)

Ric Flair Vince Mcmahon
"We're partners!".

With those two words, obviously accompanied by his trademark "Woo!" refrain, Ric Flair closed his first WWF appearance since the 25 January 1993 episode of Raw. Precisely 3,320 days following that 'Loser Leaves Town' loss to Mr. Perfect, 'Slick Ric' was back in the big time.

Obviously, the fact he'd been missing from the WCW invasion angle was regrettable; as the figurehead of some internal power struggle between his old stomping ground and a place he'd sought solace in the early-90s, Flair would've been brilliant. It wasn't to be, but his night-after-Survivor Series re-debut was arguably worth sacrificing that.

OK, so maybe some fans inside the Charlotte Coliseum might've known there was a good chance of some 'Nature Boy' action, but they were in the minority. People watching at home were pleasantly surprised by Ric's interruption just as it looked like Vince McMahon was going to gloat about killing WCW all over again.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.