10 WWE Royal Rumble Eliminations That Infuriated Fans

5. The Undertaker (Giant Gonzalez - 1993)

The Undertaker certainly didn't have a lot to work with during the early years of his WWF/WWE tenure. Vince McMahon's big idea for him seemed to be that he would be positioned against lumbering behemoths, in the hope that the larger-than-life nature of each feud would draw in viewers. In the case of the Giant Gonzalez, things didn't exactly work out as the WWF may have hoped. Wearing an utterly ridiculous-looking muscle suit, Gonzalez made his debut at the 1993 Royal Rumble. Even though he wasn't an entrant in the contest, he was booked to eliminate The Undertaker and appear dominant over a man who had emerged as one of the promotion's biggest babyface hopes., which had some in the front row looking visibly dejected. Perhaps those people knew that Gonzalez facing the slow-moving Undertaker would be a recipe for wrestling disaster going forward. 'Taker was a favourite to win the Rumble that year, but McMahon and his writing team had something else in mind, rather than a crack at the WWF Heavyweight Title. Considering how poor their resultant matches were, this has to go down as a deeply disappointing elimination and use of The Undertaker.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.