10 WWE Stars And Their Biblical Counterparts

6. Bray Wyatt = Abraham

There€™s a reason that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are collectively called the €˜Abrahamic religions€™: their prophets and origins all trace back to Abraham, the first patriarch of the Semitic religions. Abraham was told by God to leave his father€™s home and settle in what became known as Canaan. He parted onto his followers a new message about how to live, and was said to have received messages from God on how Abraham€™s children were His €˜chosen people€™. Looking at Bray Wyatt€™s character, one can see the parallels between Wyatt and Abraham. Like Abraham, Wyatt has a unique worldview that distinguishes him from the overwhelming majority of his fellow WWE superstars. He sees the truth in a different way, and preaches his mind like gospel to anyone who will listen. He€™s also considered a €˜father figure€™ of sorts to his followers, which represents Abraham€™s status as a patriarch. There€™s also his Family€™s strange association with sheep, and Abraham (along with the many prophets that have come after him) have been described as shepherds guiding their flock towards a new life. While it€™s safe to say that Wyatt isn€™t an actual prophet trying to convert people to a new belief, his messianic statements and loyal followers do a great job of conjuring up images of the patriarch Abraham.
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Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.