10 WWE Stars Who Wanted (But Failed) To Jump To WCW

7. D'Lo Brown

When Vince Russo jumped ship to WCW in 1999, the idea that talent that had benefited from him as a creative writer jumping to WCW making the move as well made sense. In early 1999, there may have been no more believable choice to move up the card in the WWF than D-Lo Brown. He was the European and Intercontinental Champion, and was coming into his own as a performer. However, during the October 5, 1999 taping of Smackdown, he inadvertently paralyzed Darren Drozdov while performing a running powerbomb. Intriguingly, the injury occurred on the same day that Russo signed with WCW. Perceiving that there could be heat on him for the injury, the idea of Brown getting a fresh start in WCW upon possible release certainly made sense. However, that did not occur and though considered friendly with Vince Russo, the jump did not occur.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.