10 WWE Stars Who Desperately Need To Be Repackaged

6. Sami Zayn

sami zayn baron corbin

Sami Zayn doesn't need a massive overhaul to his character like Jinder Mahal. Basically, he needs to go back to what was working for him: a beloved underdog with a heart of gold...not a neurotic one.

WWE seems to love messing with some of their talents by giving them less than flattering portrayals of their real-life selves on air. At least that seems to be what is going on with Zayn. Perhaps he's a bit neurotic in real life. A bit. WWE, though, sees that as full-on Woody Allen and has him randomly stumbling over his words and annoying General Managers...even when he's no longer on their show! It goes from quirky to obnoxious in no time at all.

If Kurt Angle, one of the most beloved WWE wrestlers of all time, doesn't want to be in the same room as Zayn for five minutes, then why should anyone cheer for him? The company hasn't addressed that effectively.

Basically, Zayn can keep almost everything he has going for him at the moment, but drop the new additions to the act for good. Also, giving him a meaningful win now and then wouldn't be such a bad idea, either.

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