10 WWE Stars Who HATED Their Own WrestleMania Matches

7. Triple H (WrestleMania XII)

WWE WrestleMania 14 Steve Austin Mike Tyson

Triple H has reportedly gone out of his way to lengthen any 'Mania matches he's involved in so they feel epic and become memorable to fans watching the show. That hasn't always gone to plan (bouts vs. Chris Jericho and Randy Orton spring to mind), but anything would've been better than Hunter's fate in 1996.

He played sacrificial lamb to a returning Ultimate Warrior.

It can't sit well with a wrestling traditionalist like Trips that his first task on the grandest stage was to put over a duff in-ringer like Warrior in just 90 seconds (or therein thereabouts). Granted, 'The Game' has likely put this nightmare behind him by now, but...he must've been horrified when federation chiefs told him the news back in '96.

Remember, this was before Helmsley was punished for his part in the infamous 'Curtain Call'. Somewhat remarkably, being squashed by Warrior felt like a bigger punishment than anything Vince McMahon whipped up following that controversial moment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.