10 WWE Stars Who Only Worked One Televised Match

1. Buff Bagwell

Buff Bagwell Booker T

He's Buff, he's the stuff and Vince McMahon has seen enough.

Buff Bagwell only wrestled one televised match after jumping over to the WWF despite being a major star for years over in rival WCW. His charismatic approach seemed perfect for McMahon's world, but things quickly fell apart after Bagwell's match with Booker T on the 2 July 2001 episode of Raw.

'The Stuff' impressed nobody with his in-ring skills or backstage behaviour. Jim Ross has told several times in interviews and on podcasts how Buff's mother Judy would plague his office with phone calls, and how Bagwell acted like he was above everyone when he really needed to make a good first impression on a new roster.

One week after the Booker match, Buff was released from his WWF deal and sent back into wrestling's wasteland. His short-lived stay in the promotion did nothing for Bagwell's career prospects, and he hasn't been seen in WWE since.

So much for that.

Which other wrestlers only worked one televised WWE match? For more like this, check out 10 Things We Learned From Triple H On WWE’s After The Bell and 10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: Dino Bravo!


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