10 WWE Stars Who Should Have Been World Champion By Now

6. Big E

Robert Roode

WWE fans have been clamouring for the New Day’s jolly enforcer to go into business for himself. He’s been a proven quantity since his time in NXT where he became the second-ever NXT Champion, defeating Seth Rollins and holding the title for 168 days.

His first major feud in his 2020 singles run opposite Sami Zayn was a perfect rendition of wrestling’s classic heel vs. face storytelling. Many forget Big E’s heelish NXT “Five Count” gimmick, and that he debuted on the main roster as a heel enforcer for AJ Lee and Dolph Ziggler. Big E is a talent that can lend his powerhouse skills, big man presence, and charisma to any role Creative could throw at him.

While it is promising that Big E held, and is prominent in, SmackDown’s Intercontinental Championship picture, we have been here before. On the 18 November 2013 edition of Raw, Big E defeated Curtis Axel to become Intercontinental Champion. Nevertheless, after his 167-day reign, Big E became lost in the crowd, thankfully being saved by his booking in New Day.

Hopefully, Big E can overcome his WrestleMania loss to Apollo Crews and transition into the top-tier solo star that he already should be.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.