10 WWE Stars Who Should Have Been World Champion By Now

5. Sami Zayn

Robert Roode

Sami Zayn is one of the most compelling heels currently competing in WWE, with a cowardness able to provoke both laughter and loathing. Former NXT Champion and Superstar of the Year (2014) Zayn has been unsuccessful, despite fan support of him as both a face and a heel, in breaking through to the company’s world champion ranks.

Sami perfected his technique in the indies, arriving in NXT as the complete in-ring package. He even got an underdog gimmick over, that sometimes leaned dangerously close to dire ‘smiling babyface’ booking. With his modern take on the cowardly heel, one imbued with moral justification, Zayn has the potential to cheat and manipulate his way to the top.

So far, his shots at the WWE Championship have been limited to multi-man match types – the most famous of which was a two-on-one handicap match, in which he and Kevin Owens were unsuccessful in challenging AJ Styles.

Zayn excels particularly alongside real-life friend Owens. This has been well utilised on the main roster with the two feuding and teaming up for large portions of their main roster runs. On reflection, it is shocking that two supreme athletes with potent in-ring chemistry have never been booked into a feud with the company’s ultimate prize at stake.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.