10 WWE Stars Who Will Leave In 2021

2. Daniel Bryan

Shinsuke Cesaro Aew

Career super-worker Daniel Bryan recently said that this is his "last run" as a WWE star. He also announced that being a dad takes paramount over being a full-time wrestler, which is admirable. In 2021, it looks like Dan will work more of a part-time schedule than ever before. There's something else to keep an eye on too.

His contract reportedly runs out in September.

Fans should enjoy Bryan's WWE work whilst they can, because he'll soon be gone unless he signs some sort of extension for a few big matches here and there. Daniel might even knock that sort of offer back in favour of staying at home with his family. The ball is very much in his court here.

There will be some fans keen to see what Bryan could do in AEW or Japan, but his health should also come into things. Despite roaring back from retirement and looking as good as new, Daniel shouldn't put himself at risk just to appease those yearning for more moments like those seen in his punishing old ROH matches.

He has nothing left to prove.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.