10 WWE Stars Who Will Miss WrestleMania 37

4. Goldberg

Brock Lesnar WWE WrestleMania 37

Billy big b*llocks reportedly has another match on his WWE contract that the company can trigger. He's already wrestled Drew McIntyre back at January's Royal Rumble, but doesn't seem to be part of company plans for 'Mania. If anything, WWE may wait until later in the year to find out "Who's Next?".

Fingers crossed it isn't another World Champion.

Goldberg doesn't need a belt over his shoulder in 2021. This hurts to write (because yours truly has always been a huge Bill Goldberg mark), but it's a good thing that he'll skip WrestleMania this year. His match with Braun Strowman, whilst not the original plan, was complete and utter rubbish.

WWE need to start finding more opponents like McIntyre for Bill. It's no accident that he works better when his matches are short and peers are able to bump around for him. Drew did that, to a point, but Braun didn't.

'Mania 37 didn't need a repeat.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.