10 WWE Stars Who Will Miss WrestleMania 37

3. John Cena

Brock Lesnar WWE WrestleMania 37

'His program would've started by now'.

That's the overriding feeling surrounding thoughts of John Cena turning up in Tampa for this year's supershow festivities. JC is a crossover movie star now, meaning WWE would want to capitalise on his star power by pre-announcing him for a WrestleMania appearance. Chances of him being a surprise on the night are slim.

Cena pre-empted disappointment by publicly revealing that HBO's Suicide Squad offshoot 'Peacemaker' is his main priority right now. It also doesn't help that the show is being filmed in Canada - that'd cause all sorts of quarantine-related problems for John if he crossed the border for a gig at 'Mania.

Again, this is John Cena. WWE, much like they did for his feud with Bray Wyatt last year, would want to make a huge deal out of him working April's pay-per-view for at least a month beforehand. It seems like any questions about Cena playing the swerve card are wishful thinking from fans.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.