10 WWE Storylines That Have Aged Horribly

7. Ted DiBiase's Evil Plastic Surgery Referee

ted dibiase wwe champion earl hebner

Apoplectic and overcome with confusion, Hulk Hogan ranted and raved about Ted DiBiase's evil plan to win the WWF Title in 1988. DiBiase had paid someone a lot of money before The Main Event to get plastic surgery that would make him look exactly like referee Dave Hebner. Fans weren't clued in on this mystery official being Dave's brother, Earl.

Think about this for a second: the Million Dollar Man paid another fellow enough cash that he was willing to completely change his looks just so Andre the Giant would win the title and gift it to DiBiase. At the same time, they kidnapped Dave and locked him in a nearby closet.

Nobody asked who this super-talented plastic surgeon was that had emulated Dave's looks without ever meeting him. Talk about implausible - this crossed the line of ridiculous. It's still one of wrestling's most memorable storylines despite that lack of logic, but it's hard to watch without laughing now.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.